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- 低成本的大宗货物运输,门对门的便捷服务,高效的清关效率,一直是摆在以南美、俄罗斯、乌克兰等国家为客户群体的外贸人比较头痛的问题,高额的运输成本使客户望而却步,强大的清压力也让客户迟迟不敢下单。我司通过多年的行业经验结合客户需求在美国、德国、俄罗斯、乌克兰、巴西等国家设立了自己的清关网络,能为客户提供空运、海运、陆运及展会产品的清关派送服务,同时可根据客户的产品和需求提供异地清关、重新分检、派送、保税仓储等多种个性方案,是外贸行业不可或缺的合作伙伴。国际货运的关键环节就是进出口报关,是关系到货物能否顺利进出国境,能否按时赶上船期和航班的核心问题。清关能力是检验一个货代企业的服务质量的重要标志,尤其是在国际货运业务竞争日趋激烈的今天。
第一, 长期的守法经营,在海关保持良好的通关记录,最大限度地降低查货率,为客户提供安全、快捷的通关服务;
第二, 与海关保持良好的沟通,及时解决货物通关过程中出现的各种问题,确保货物按时赶上船期或航班;
第三, 在长期的报关实践中,积累了丰富的经验和大量资源,能够灵活运用多种贸易方式,多个通关口岸为客户解决各种高难度通关问题。
1、 一般贸易货物的进出口报关;
2、 进出境参展样品、广告品、资料的报关及海空运输;
3、 加工贸易企业设备、物料、产品的报关和料件转厂;
4、 特殊货物进出口。
3、代理产地证(C/O)和普惠制产地证(FORM A), 包括各类高难度的产品;
5、擅长代理品名: 家具, 钢材,服装。
International Sea Freight
We hired shipping import and export FCL, LCL business, Including the services for customer’s inquiry, booking, customs clearance, commodity inspection, pack inside, door to door, fumigating operation in order to satisfy the customer. We keep good relations of cooperation with many shipping companies such as MAERSK、OOCL、COSCO、YANG MING、CSCL、NYK、K-LINE、WANHAI、TSLINE and so on . Meantime, we were good at trying to reduce cost and improve efficiency from every parts. Speedocean will be your satisfaction service team and ideal partner.
International Air Freight
We can build fast, efficient and intimate international air freight for you, and engaged in international air freight in south part of china and the pearl river delta. We try out best to explore more cost-effective air channels, and developing all-round airfreight customs declaration, customs clearance, warehousing, logistics delivery service actively. Whatever when and where, we can arrange your goods properly and master each step by using remote control to ensure the highest quality transport services for your goods.
Land Transportation
We can provide round-trip trailer service including General Purpose Container, Frozen container, LCL and customs supervision car from the main ports of pearl river delta to inland We have enough capacity to ensure your shipment scheduling going well in every moment.
We own the warehouse in every port in Shenzhen . Enough storage space, safty and facility complete environment, Modern logistics warehousing information management system and professional warehouse management personnel can provide high quality warehousing service to meet your needs for your import and export cargo operation
Business Agent
We have a professional group who proficient in international trade and understand the trade policy and familiar with every parts of operation specification for the import and export business.
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