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- 通过7年多的发展,公司已经初具规模,各项管理水平有了极大的提高,并积极承担社会责任。通过努力,公司曾荣获上海市文明单位,华电集团“文明单位”、华电集团“管理创新先进单位”、华电集团 “四好”领导班子创建活动“先进集体”、华电集团“安全生产先进单位”、华电集团“五五”普法先进单位、崇明县文明单位、崇明县五好基层党组织、华电煤业集团“文明单位标兵”、华电煤业集团“先进企业”、华电煤业集团“先进集体”、华电煤业集团“先进基层党组织”等荣誉称号。
国内沿海及长江中下游普通货船运输,船舶租赁、国内货运代理、海上、航空、陆路国际货运代理、国际船舶代理、从事货物及技术的进出口业务。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】to the China Huadian Corporation, as an important part of the China Huadian Corporation's Strategy of "to build into a top-ranking energy group in china with electricity generator as its major role", that is a professional shipping company. HSS's controlling share holders include Huadian Coal Industry Group, Shanghai Huadian Electric Power Development Co., Ltd., Hebei Wuxing Energy Group and SDIC Far East Shipping Co., Ltd..
HSS is established on August 28th, 2006, with a registered capital of RMB 340 million, registered in Chongming County of Shanghai. The office is located in Shanghai Pudong New Area. At the present, HSS has covered its business fields of carriage goods by bulk cargo shipping in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River Port, general cargo shipping including both coastal and international area, shipping agents, freight forwarders and etc.
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