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- 今天国际充分利用产业链上游的优质资源和依靠自身的研发设计能力为客户提供优质的自动化物流系统综合解决方案。同时,公司在长期的发展过程中积累了丰富的行业经验,先后参与了一系列规模大、复杂程度高、具有重大影响力的自动化物流系统项目,形成了一整套完整的标准体系。
今天国际目前为中国物流与采购联合会常务理事单位、中国物流技术协会副理事长单位、深圳市软件行业协会常务理事单位及国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业、深圳市重点物流企业(技术型)。截至目前,今天国际已拥有32项计算机软件著作权、40项专利权,获邀成为全国烟草标准化技术委员会物流分技术委员会委员,参与制订了烟草行业一系列的物流标准。the domestic marine transportation in the Pearl River Delta region, mainly managed from the Pearl River Delta region to the domestic coastal container transportation(Door to Door service) and keel boat, as well as the trailer transportation.In China, already formed various provinces waterway and land route joint transportation network which covered Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Yangtze River along the route, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and so on. Hontrans has established the long-term cooperation partnership with domestic large-scale shipping company, there are many choices in the sailing schedule, can satisfy the general customers’ demand. Domestic marine principal works: Pearl River Delta region to Tianjin, Yingkou
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