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- By more than seven years of development, Kingway gradually secured the air transport market.Great advantages in shipping space、price and service has come to emerging,thus wins us more and more customers,especially in the Middle East, the average shipments has reached more than 300 tons monthly! Our powerful advantages: Middle East, the Central and South America, Europe and North America. 1、可通过深港直通车二次过境报关转关至深圳国际物流园监管区,以在监管区内对接国内航线配载指定航班空运到成都、上海、北京,青岛 烟台 大连 等各大机场实施进口清关!
2、可通过深港两地快件运输车利用快件进口报关方式在各个关区的海关监管中心实施快件快速清关,税金 清关手续费 运费按公斤计价方式全包,正规快件报关,清关手续便捷,确保货物安全到达收件人。
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