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- 公司国内空运部与各大国内航空公司有良好合作关系,在多条航线上拥有包机、包舱,包板及优先订舱权。公司还与全国近三十多个城市的机场代理签定了货物配送服务,客户只需通知我公司,就可实现多程联运,能最大限度的满足客户需求。正是基于与各大航空公司有着良好的协作关系,我公司才能够以最短的时间,最快的速度将客户的货物安全准时送达。我公司国内空运部与东北、华东、华南等地区的多家有实力的代理公司建立了良好的合作关系,订立了网络运输合作协议,建立起一个以上海为中心,辐射全国的运输服务网络。 Customs Consulting – The first company in China offering full advice AND execution for Capital Investment projects, China Sourcing, and Distribution
Customs' Reach – China's Border Guardian
Customs has the broad responsibility for protecting the integrity of the Chinese mainland. Their work goes beyond application of tariffs and includes whether a commodity will require additional inspections, import or export licenses and/or special transport arrangements.
They also evaluate China based enterprises for their compliance with Chinese import regulations -- they can stop the import and export functions of enterprises they suspect of non-compliance and they can check all declarations for the past five years and reject previous classifications.
It is critical to operations to be in compliance, keep complete records, and remain up to date with Customs regulation changes. This requires a commitment to a Customs strategy.
By establishing in advance the optimal classification for a product and understanding the total application process, an enterprise can ensure smooth clearance while maintaining an exemplary Customs record.
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