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- 提供深圳、香港、广州至世界主要港口、内陆点的散货拼箱服务。骏航国际货运根据客户的需要以及货物的通关难易程度,结合深圳、香港、广州三地海关的具体操作差异,灵活安排拼箱货物的运输和报关,确保客户能够以最低的成本安全送达目的地。 专业经营范围涵盖广泛,涉及:国际货运代理、速递业务、货物进出口、技术进出口,可承办进出口货物的国际运输,包括:海运、陆运、空运,代理订舱、拖车、仓储、中转、拼箱、报关、报验、保险等相关业务。
的客户包涵了纺织品、IT、家电、医药品、日用消费品、农产品等各大行业,为多家本土知名企业和众多中小型企业提供物流管理服务。We provide the combination of sea and air freight services to meet the special needs of our customers to transport cargo from Hong Kong and Mainland China by boat to a transshipment centre such as Dubai,Vancouver and Los Angeles etc.. for re-handle to final destination by air freight.This is one of the fastestand cost effective ways to shio cargoes.It can reduce high airfreight costs and shorten the lead time by sea freight.
The Sea&Air services to Europe taken on around 14/15 days shipping time by the vessel sailing from Hong Kong to the aircraft amiving in the country of destination.. Our services operate weekly.Cargoes are first transported to Dubai by sea,and then, at the trans-shipment center of Dubai,Cargoes are forwarded to the major airports of Eufope by air.
The services are available at competitive rates.Our door to door services are operated in conjunction with appointed partners.
A unique combined transport document (CTD) is used for the combined sae/air mode of transport
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