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- ,为企业量身订做物流方案,提供一次到位的全方位物流解决方案。本公司一直同多家航空公司及船公司保持着良好的合作关系;空运业务方面诸如航空公司长荣(BR)、国泰(CX)、韩亚(OZ)、南航(CZ)、国航(CA)、深航(ZH)、曼谷航(PG)、德国汉莎(LH)、华航(CI)等;海运业务方面诸如船公司有:马士基(MAERSK)、阳明(YANGMING)、长荣(EVERGREEN)、中远(COSCO)、中海(CHINASHIPPING)、达飞(CMA)和地中海(MSC)等。快递业务方面我司做为FEDEX、UPS,DHL,TNT,EMS、各种专线的代理,可以提供门到门快捷方便之服务,能做到及时收货,及时派件,网上跟踪货件动态。我公司本着以人为本的经营宗旨,努力进取,合作双赢,被众多合作伙伴称赞为优秀货运代理企业,得到众多客户的广泛赞誉和好评。
companies'shipping companies'reliable strategic Jiehang established an effective logistics running system. Until now,we've successfully set up several branches and agency points in american and European, Middle East main cities.Ourservice network around teh world is growing fast,and tending perfect.Meanwhile,we have directly owned offices in HongKong, shenzhen,Huizhou,ect.,around the pearl River delta region with our own fleet.Jiehang is the outstanding agency of DHL,UPS,TNT,Fedex companies in the southern china.
Adhere to the company mission of"to build an outsanding shipping brand",we measure success through sustanable profit!Over many years of integrity management,we not only focus on external sevices,but also pay attention to the corporate internal services, continuously improving the team spirit,The service standard of "High-quality,High-service,Cost-effective"is deeply rooted in our team.Meet customers"demand at anytime,protect the goods fro you!
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