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- Overview
Sent to the world's major cargo port, receiving orders immediately after the proper allocation of accommodation, to provide shipping companies booking number.
* Provide preferential and reasonable freight, maintain customer interest.
* Accept small quantities of goods LCL business, freight savings to customers.
* a copy of the bill of lading to customers in time for the customer to confirm.
* to provide the vessel to sail to the navigation and other information.
* Ready to accept customer routes, ship dynamics, and transport costs, and other miscellaneous 8小时空运到港服务,12小时门对门服务;
* 7*24全天侯个性化服务,客户可任意时间安排提货,任意时间安排目的地配送;
* 客服团队专人对口服务,便捷高效;
* 有竞争力的本地服务价格;
* 较强的地面操作能力和对于特殊货物丰富的处理经验;
* 所有分支机构及办事处都坐落在机场内部,加强操作快捷性,为客户最大限度的缩短物流时间;
* 常年与国内航空公司签订包板包量协议,为客户最大限度地提供稳定的服务;
* 拥有3000平米的国内空运仓库,能为客户提供一站式服务;
* 公司的信息中心每天对每票货物全程追踪到客户签收为止,并且通过互联网、传真、MSN、SMS、ERP系统、GPS系统等方式即时联系、传递信息,使运输信息充分透明化,让客户对货物的状态随时掌控。
* 公司对所有不正常运输设有完备的记录系统,并对每一票不正常运输进行案例剖析、总结。对责任人进行责任追究的同时,改进操作细节并固化为标准流程,确保公司航空领域的运作服务不断完善、进步。
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