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- and is the largest and most successful ocean freight forwarding company in Taiwan today. Pacific Star was the first freight forwarder / NVOCC to pass the AEO authorization in Taiwan, and Pacific Concord International Ltd. has also obtained the AEO certification. Statistics from the Taiwan Ministry of Transportation and Communication and the Port Authority of Keelung have consistently shown this group as the country’s best freight forwarder / NVOCC. Commonwealth Magazine,
Business Weekly and China Credit Information have also ranked the group as one of the "Top 500 Corporations" in the service industry for 16 consecutive years. Services offered by Pacific Star include shipping agency, sea and air freight forwarding, ship brokerage, container leasing, and a weekly shipping and trade publication. The company has always adhered to the operating principles of ’quality,’ ’efficiency,’ ’innovation,’ ’client response,’ ’training,’ and ’practicality.’ 我们已成功地为国内外几家知名企业如美孚、凡雷尔 、SVA 上广电等实施物流配送业务;为众多国内独资和合资企业、大型国有企业配套提供从租船和国外港口装载开始一直到国内港口接货、报检、清关、大型设备的内河或者道路运输、设备工厂就位安装以及整厂搬迁等大型工程物流业务;与上海赛车场、上海国际展览中心、保昌展运等多家国内外赛事和展览业专业公司有良好的协作,提供展品报关、检疫、入场、保税仓储、退运等的全过程物流项目服务;依托中远物流和国内各大国有和商业银行的总部战略协议,为企业提供在原材料采购、生产、销售等整个流通环节进行银行融资的供应链支持性服务,解决企业在经营过程中的资金瓶颈困扰,使企业更专心地投入到经营发展工作中去。
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