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- 1) 订舱:保证在船开前五天及时为客户订舱,加急情况下船开前三天订舱。
2) 整柜拖卡:保证及时、安全;一般情况下前后滞留不超过一小时。
3) 商检:为客户及时准确代办商检换单。
4) 货进仓:货物在截关前一天内进我司保税区仓库,我司保证货物质量和数量。
5) 监装:如客户需求,我司港区专业监装员为客户监装。
6) 进口报关:正常的货物于3天内顺利清关。
Agency of import and export of goods transportation and customs, commodity inspection, dangerous goods declaration, storage, ground transportation etc
Provide the import distribution and export cargo business throughout services
Host container, bulky equipment multimodal transport and door-to-door transport services
Provide the goods and the tracking service agency transportation insurance business
Provide route design, freight inquiry, cost accounting services and engineering bidding project logistics services
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