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- 里约热内卢位于巴西国土的东南部,坐落在美丽的瓜纳巴拉海湾,依山傍水,风景优美,是巴西和世界著名的旅游观光胜地。面积4.36万平方公里。人口1,413.3万(1990),城市人口占90%以上。1889年设州,1975年瓜纳巴拉州并入,首府由尼泰罗伊迁至里约热内卢市。里约热内卢曾经是巴西首都,1822定都里约热内卢,1960年4月21日巴西迁都于巴西利亚。 沿海低地气候湿热,内地高原气候温和。重要河流有帕拉伊巴河等。工农业和服务业均甚发达,服务业占就业人口约37%和收入的一半。工业以钢铁、纺织、食品、印刷、石油化工为主。有石油、铝土、铁、煤、大理石等矿产。渔业和盐业兴盛。农业主产甘蔗、柑橘、香蕉、蔬菜、棉花、水果、稻,饲养牲畜。水、陆、空交通发达。风景优美,多游览胜地。Customs of P. R. China with registered capital of CNY 5 million.Following the company policy “High effective, Honesty, Service first and Creative”,We are committed to providing full range of modern logistics service for home and aboard customer based on our comprehensive agents network , strong strength and our professional staff ,so that we can keep up with all your requirement and settle your problem anytime ,set up good credit during business communication.
After years of development ,We can provide full freight forwarding services on both sea freight & air freight to / from worldwide as well as the mutual model transportation, inland river barging transshipment ,break-bulk services, warehouse and distribution services,custom clearance and inspection,insurance and business consultation services.
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